개발자 끄적끄적
Dependecy Injection, Spring Annotation 본문
<의존성 주입(Dependency Injection)>
- 객체와 객체사이의 의존성(Object Dependencies)
ex) public class PetOwner{
private AnimalType animal;
public PetOwner( ){
this.animal = new Dog( );
-> Tight coupling(Dog와 PerOwner사이) => 기존방식
<Dependency Injection>
1. Bean : 객체(creates beans)
2. Performs dependency injection
- 설정파일 : XML Config
3. Design pattern이며 framework(=Spring Container)가 주입을 시켜준다
4. Reduces coupling(객체와 객체사이의 결합도를 약하게 해준다)
Runtime시에 의존성을 주입시켜준다(=Dyanmically injected by the framework)
ex) 객체-객체의 약한 결합, 생성자를 통해 주입
public class PetOwner{
private AnimalType animal;
public PetOwner(AnimalType animal){ //animal 생성자 인자
this.animal = animal;
//Spring Container
public class Dog{
implements AnimalType{
//Spring Container
public class Cat{
implements AnimalType{
<의존성 주입은 언제쓰이나?>
- Test(Unit Test, Integration Test)할 때 유용
- Client(=Browser)에서 request를 보내면 Controller(Isolation)가 받는다
MyService를 호출 ,MyService(객체 로직 : External API, Database 등)
Service Interface field가 존재 Service Interface field에 의존성 주입
Mocked Service : 실제 서비스를 구현하지않고 MyService에 대해서 테스트, input과 output이 존재, Unit Test(단위테스트)
*Mock up : 모형물
<The Spring (IoC) Container>
- 객체를 생성 및 관리
- 객체에게 의존성을 주입
<The Spring Container 설정>
1. XML
2. Java annotations
3. Java-based Configuration
<The Spring Container 종류>
- BeanFactory
- ApplicationContext
- ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
- ex) ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathApplication("");
HellWorld obj = (HelloWorld) context.getBean("helloWorld");
<Spring Container and DI>
1. main() -> ApplicationContext 생성
2. ApplicationContext -> Dog, Cat 의존성 주입
3. Injects(Cat or Dog) -> PetOwner animal
<Advantages of DI>
- Reduced Dependencies(의존성을 줄일 수 있다)
- 코드의 변경사항 최소
- More Reusable Code
- 코드 재사용성 가능
- More Testable Code
- 다양한 주입을 통해 Test가 쉬워진다
- More Readable Code
- 코드와 설정이 분리가 되어있어 가독성이 높아진다
<What are Beans?>
- POJO's(Plain old java object)를 'bean'이라 부른다
- bean은 Spring Container에 의해 생성되고 관리한다
- configuration metadata(ex. XML file)에 의해 bean이 생성
- Configuration Metadata -> Spring IoC Container -> (bean) -> Application
bean에 접근하고 싶으면 getBean("BeanName")
<Spring Bean Definition>
- Key attributes
- class(required) : fully qualified java class name
- id : the unique identifier for this bean
- scope : the scope of the objects(sigleton(=class의 객체가 한 개), prototype(=class의 객체가 다수))
- constructor-arg : arguments to pass to the constructor at creation time //생성자의 인자를 넘겨줄 수 있다
- property : arguments to pass to the setters at creation time //setter에 넘겨줄 인자
- init, destory method
<Spring Bean Scope>
1. singletone : Single instance of bean in every getBean() call [Default]
- Singletone (e.g., <bean scope="singleton" .../>)
- 'singleton' 은 Spring container에서 단 한번 만들어진다
Container가 shuts down 될 때 까지는 항상 동일한 bean이 제공되어진다
2. prototype : New instance of bean in every getBean() call
- Prototype(e.g., <bean scope="prototype" .../>)
- 'prototype'은 참조할 때마다 항상 새로운 객체가 만들어지며 일반적으로 더이상 객체에 대한 reference가 없을 때 사라진다
3. request : Single instance of bean per HTTP request
4. session : Single instance of bean per HTTP session
5. global-session : Single instance of bean per global HTTP session
<의존성 주입 방법(Dependency Injection Methods)>
1. Constructor-based Injection //생성자를 통해서(constructor-arg)
- Pass dependencies in via "constructor"
2. Setter-based Injection //setter를 통해서(property)
- Pass dependencies in via "property setters"
<Spring Annotation(주석)>
- Spring ver 2.5부터 지원
- "Old wine in new bottle" : xml의 대안으로 사용, bean과 bean을 연결(의존성 주입)
- bean configuration을 "component class"에 설정한다
- XML이 설정이 많기 때문에 Spring Annotation이 나왔다 -> Annotation minimizes the XML configuration
- Not enable by default(need explict enabling) -> 명시적으로 Spring Annotation을 enable시켜줘야한다
- XML을 annotation을 override -> XML이 적용된다
- IDE support(IDE를 지원), 자동완성 기능
1. @Required
- the bean property must be populated in XML configuration file
- 적용 : only setter methods
public class boy{
private String name;
private int age;
@Required //Name에 대한 property가 존재해야한다
public void setName(String name){
this.name = name;
@Required //Age에 대한 property가 존재해야한다
public void setAge(int age){
this.age = age;
// getters ...
-- XML --
ex) Values by name
<bean id="boy" class="Boy">
<property name="name" value="Rony"/>
<property name="age" value="10"/>
ex) Strict checking
<bean id="boy" class="Boy">
<property name="name" value="Rony"/>
-> Propery 'age' is requied for bean 'boy'
2. @Autowired
-적용 : methods, fields, and constructor
- No setter needed, No property needed
- wiring by type
- Singleton
public class Boy{
private String name;
private int age;
//getters and setters..
public class College{
private Boy student; //field에 적용, Boy는 bean
-- XML --
<bean id = "boy" class="Boy"> //Signleton
<property name="name" value="Rony"/>
<property name="age" value="10"/>
<bean id="college" class="Collage">
3. @Qualifier
public class Boy{
private String name;
private int age;
//getters and setters..
public class College{
@Qualifier(value="tony") //Boy라는 타입이 2개가 있을 때 명시해주는 것
private Boy student;
//getters ..
--- XML ---
//Two beans for "Boy" type
<bean id="boy1" class="Boy">
<qualifier value="rony"/>
<property name="name" value="Rony"/>
<property name="age" vlaue="10"/>
<bean id="boy2" class="Boy">
<qualifier value="tony/>
<property name="name" value="Tony"/>
<property name="age" value="8"/>
<bean id="collage" class="Collage">
4. @Resource
- @Resource(name="<beanName>") is used for auto wiring by "name"
- @Resource can be applied in field, argument and methods
- Note : @Autowired and @Resource work equally well(@Autowired, @Resource는 동일하 기능을 수행한다)
(@Resoucce : auto-wird by name, @Autowired : auto-wire by type)
public class Collage{
private Boy student;
//getters and setters...
--- XML ---
<bean id="boy1" class="Boy">
<qualifier value="rony"/>
<property name="name" value="Rony"/>
<property name="age" vlaue="10"/>
<bean id="boy2" class="Boy">
<qualifier value="tony/>
<property name="name" value="Tony"/>
<property name="age" value="8"/>
<bean id="collage" class="Collage">
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