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컴퓨터 네트워크(2023.11.29) 본문
<Unicast routing>
1. distatnce-vector routing
2. link state routing
3. path-vector routing
<Unicast-routing protocols>
1. RIP - distance-vector routing
2. OSPF - link state routing
3. BGP - path-vector routing
<Uincasting routing>
- a packet is routed, hop by hop
- The source host does not need a forwarding table -> its packet to the 'defualt router'
<Least-Cost Routing(가장 적은 경로)>
- one of the ways to interpret the best route from the source router to the destination router is to find the least cost between the two
- cost가 높으면 좋지 않은것, cost가 낮으면 좋은 것
<Distance-Vector Routing>
- the first thing each node creates is tis own least-cost tree, it has about its immediate neighbors(연결된 정보 = cost 정보)
- exchange between immediate neighbors
- 정보를 한번주고 끝나는 것이 아니라 라우터는 수시로 바로 인접한 라우터에게 정보를 준다(업데이트)
<Graphical idea behind Bellman-Ford equation>
- cost가 제일 적은 경로
<Link-State Routing>
-각각의 라우터들이 인접한 노드와의 Cost를 Link State Packet을 만들어 모든 라우터들에게 직접 Packet통신을 한다
<Path-Vector Routing>
- assume that there are som routers in the internet that a sender wants to prevent its packets from going through
- LS or DV routing dose not allow a sender to apply specific policies to the route a packet may take
To repond to these demands, a third routing algorithm, called path-vector(PV) routing has been devised
<Spanning trees in path-vector routing>
- 공동정책 : 최소의 노드를 경유한다
<Autonomous System(AS)>
- 동일 관리자에 의해 관리(구성, 주소 할당, 이름 배정, 경로 설정 등)되는 LAN과 WAN, router들로 구성된 망
<Routing Information Protocol>
- The Routing Information Protocol(RIP) is one of the most widely used intra-domain routing protocols based on the
distance-vector routing algorithm
<Open Shortest Path First>
- Open Shortest Path First(OSPF) is also an intra-domain routing protocol like RIP,
but it is based on the link-state routing
<Border Gateway Protocol>
- The Border Gateway Protocol version 4(BGP4) is the only inter-domain routing protocol used in the Internet today
- BGP4 is based on the path-vector algorithm
- Legend
1. Ethernet switch
2. Point-to-Point WAN
3. Unicast router
- In multicasting, there is one source and a group of destinations.
The relationship is one to many
- Multicasting용 주소가 따로 존재한다 -> The group address(Multicasting용 주소) defines the members of the group
- Muticast App
- Access to distributed databases
- Information dissemination
- Teleconferencing
- Distance learning
- Legend
1. Ethernet switch
2. Point-to-Point WAN
3. Multicast router(ex. IGMP)
<Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol>
- DVMRP uses the source-based tree approach to multicasting
- Each router in this protocol that receives a multicast packet to be forwarded implicitly creates a source-based multicast tree
1. RPF
- Reverse path forwarding(RPF) to simulate creation of part of the opimal source-based tree between the source and itself
2. RPB
- Reverse path broadcasting(RPB) to create a broadcast(spanning) tree whose root is the router itself and whose leaves are all networks in the internet
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